The world of early childhood and preschool education is in constant development and for preschool teachers is crucial to keep up with the new trends and stay on top of what is current. This training course for preschool teachers will be a springboard for exploring the main principles, features and benefits of the best preschool approaches. Joining this training course, preschool teachers will have the chance to explore the growing trends in preschool education and will learn in a practical and experiential way which the activities and approaches are most suited for their purposes. Teachers will learn how to design their own activities based on the needs and realities of their pupils as well as learning and practicing outdoor activities, learning games and concrete ideas to foster preschool pupil�s creativity and learning.
This course provides participants with an overview on the most innovative teaching and pedagogy approaches for preschool education by providing a analytical as well as a practical, cooperative, inspirational and stimulating space where to get to know, learn, experiment and practice new ideas, activities, strategies and methods.
The general aim of this teacher training course is to foster excellence and innovation in preschool and early childhood education by empowering and inspiring preschool teachers and directors to discover the most effective approaches while sharing best practices and experiences with fellow participants and educators throughout all Europe gaining as well a broader understanding of preschool education in Europe.
Thanks to this training course the participants will:
- Get acquainted with the new trends and most effective approach in early childhood and preschool education
- Learn about the key principles of the Montessori Method and Loris Malaguzzi�s Reggio Emilia Approach
- Discover the benefits of embedding nature and biodiversity in preschool activities
- Experience and practice inspirational outdoor education activities
- Learn how to design, prepare and deliver interactive Non-Formal Education learning activities and games
- Get to know and experiment learning games and activities to stimulate early years children creativity and social development
- Exchange best practices and share experiences about preschool education with teachers and education staff coming throughout Europe
- Visit Spanish preschools and kindergartens and network with individuals and institutions working in preschool education.
Competences to be acquired by the participant:
- This course is open to: teachers, directors, managers, educators and other staff of preschool, kindergarten and early childhood institutions.