What is it?
ERASMUS+ provides opportunities for vocational education and training students, trainees, and apprentices to carry out work experience abroad, allowing them to learn new skills or languages.
Work placements abroad improve employability and can ease the transition from education and training to employment, while strengthening European cooperation in vocational education and training.
What does it involve?
Vocational students may undertake a traineeship or apprenticeship abroad, hosted in:
- A company;
- A workplace, such as a public organisation or an NGO
- A vocational education and training institution, with periods of work-based learning in a company.
- Grundtvig for adult education
Traineeships and apprenticeships may last from two weeks to a year. Preparation is an integral part of the activity and can include language classes, as well as cultural and practical preparation.
Vocational education and training (VET)
What is the Commission doing for vocational education and training?
- improve the quality of training (initial education, continuing development);
- improve the quality of teachers, trainers and other professionals in the sector;
- make courses more relevant to the labour-market.
Cooperation may involve:
- Exchanging new best practices;
- Developing and delivering new vocational teaching and training materials and methods. This can include work-based learning and the use of open educational resources and practices;
- Cooperating with local or regional business communities, including economic development agencies;
- Building relationships across sectors to share knowledge between formal and informal education and training sectors.
If you are thinking about preparing a new project with us, we would like to encourage and invite you and your organisation to participate in European Mobility projects Erasmus+ placement this year. Both, if you are an experienced project coordinator or if this is the first time that you will take part in a European project, we would be delighted to work together. We encourage your participation, as the European Commission is investing in European projects, knowing that this investment in training programmes is one of the best ways prepare the new generations in a better Europe. Therefore, we should all try and provide a useful, practical, professional experience for young trainees that make it easier for them to access the labour market, as well as improve the abilities of professionals in education or in any other professional sector.
Please contact us and let us know your project idea so that we can start working together to arrange your project proposal. We would be very happy to prepare full info from adequate partners including PIC number and background ,and provide you with our help and assistance in anything that we can.
- KA101 – School Education - staff mobility.
- KA102 – Vocational Education and Training - learner and staff mobility.
- KA103 - Higher Education - student and staff mobility.
- KA104 - Adult Education - staff mobility.
- KA105 - Youth – mobility of youth workers and young people.
- KA108 – Higher Education - Accreditation of Higher Education Mobility Consortia.
- KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
- KA3 – Support for Policy Reform.
Get full info - Erasmus + Programme Site
What we do
We are a central source of all the information needed to develop successfully the objectives of the stakeholders, on policies and procedures which support the Erasmus for VET Programme and others.
Our goal is to facilitate exchange of experiences, learning and networking for EU students and Staff, through periods of time spent at companies in other EU Member States or exchanging experiences in different vocational schools with other students and teachers.
We cooperate with a wide range of Spanish companies and training institutions which cover different professional sectors such as Health Care, Education, Engineering, Biology, Tourism and Hospitality, Cookery and Gastronomy, Handcraft, Electric and Electronics, Marketing and Commerce, Aesthetic Medicine and Beauty Treatments and many others.
Our company is able to provide a full assistance to its partners by offering to beneficiaries all the necessary services:
Including the most suitable accommodation to every group according to their specific needs.
Served breakfast, lunch and dinner based on a balanced Mediterranean diet.
Training courses in different fields & optional language courses (Spanish and English)
Transfer to and from Málaga airport & local transport
Tourstic excursions to interesting spots and surronding cities. Cultural and social activities.
Selection of the adequate hosting partners and introduction of each candidate to the assigned organizations. Tutoring and follow up.
Administration, management, monitoring and evaluation of the programme
Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action: Strategic Partnerships
Field: Strategic Partnerships for adult education
Main objective of the Project: Development of Innovation
Project Start Date: 18-12-2017
Project End Date: 17-12-2019 (24 months)
Description of the Project (Augmented Basic Skills for Social Cohesion and Welfare)
Education is widely accepted as "the process of nurturing the personality of the person" and "investment in human resources". Education involves the creation of behavioral changes, that is to say, current learning, not only in the case of formal education, but also in non formal and informal education. One of the most important skills that individuals need to have in order to be able to exist and improve their living conditions in today's technology and information age is life-long learning. It is not possible to fit learning into limited time and physical environments or to set an end for learning.
Lifelong learning is a skill that individuals have to have in order to keep their lives on good terms. Individuals with this ability can access any kind of opportunity that they meet in their lives. The European Union refers to lifelong learning as "all of the educational activities aimed at developing knowledge, skills and competences". Lifelong learning is also an important element in ensuring active citizenship, social cohesion and equal opportunity. On the basis of active citizenship and social integration take place developed social skills.
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